Message from @PsyCo
Discord ID: 364807112637022209
So which country is the most retarded?
I'm not saying they aren't doing well
Pick any country in Africa
somalian niggers are 67 on average i think
that means they are mentally handicapped
Somalians don't even look human
my dog is more productive
no nigger looks like human
They're so degenerated it's insane
they all should live in africa
black shithole
Equatorial Guinea is the lowest with 59
Ah but you see
White people are to blame
Zionist jewish pigs are to blame
and some of white folks too
oh shit is that racist
Racial differences are racist
If there are physical differences then surely there can't be mental differences as well?! Reee
Mental capacities must be uniform to all races reeee DNA doesn't matter reee
Me Too!
breaking news blacks are dumb
moving on
Leaf IQ is pretty shit
If you had the same IQ as Guinea's average you would be classified as mentally retarded
It's almost like brain size matters
i have genius level iq too
The left don’t care about the jew problem
No shit
The left IS the Jew problem
this is racist