Message from @trent
Discord ID: 365075345805672458
gief link for pol disc serv
gezus cares he watches u al the time
what the fuck happened here
with joe
and no
@Deleted User 904fdf23 how is your day going thus far
@trent meh, shitty. Having to study at my birthday is not nice :c I’m gonna drink at the uni though, I practice it every year with my group mates at my bday
damn, happy birthday! 🎂
How about you? I hope you’re doing better xD
im not too bad thanks
just procrastinating atm
<@301964089750716416> Thank you:3
Eh, Trent, that’s what I practice every day
that would suck tbh, liberals are fun to argue against
lol Thanks! A world where I’ve got lots of free chocolate - don’t forget about that xD
i want chocolate <:feelsfat:356675865544753162>
How can you be jealous? I don’t have chocolate either😔 I’m gonna eat a chocolate cake today though
awww don’t be sad! *sneaks chocolate* there there xD
thank you 😃
i just like jesus
I need to find some sort of church that isn't shilling diversity as strength
have you heard of our lord and saviour jesus christ?
then go away
present it
good morning @Scary_Clown
thats what you get for not being christian enough @VirtueSignal247
any1 wana learn hacking with me
no thanks