Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 365189811415285761
or care
genocide vs not caring 🤔
government isnt going to ever do anything
and too many people defend / protect them
it' the reality we live in
the funny thing about authoritarians is they think the government actually gives a fuck about you
r a c e w a r
@StevePines -WA this
government cares nothing about the people, only about keeping itself afloat
the government does not give a fuck about the people, they care about power
people are just part of the population and another statistic
they want their voters
and production
other than that you are dirt under their boots
this is why democracy is shit
people are just numbers
what do you suppose we do?
British Fascism specifically
society is just as bad as the government
so force them to be better
it aint hard
it's funny that everyone today views their hate, NOT at individuals, but at collectives
it's stupid
it's misinformed
I'm not saying I am informed
>white cop shoots someone
>all white prime hate
i blame the nigs
they kicked off this ignorant modern mindset
individualism doesnt work lol
you can still have rights under fascism
people will inherintly act upon their identity