Message from @WeWillNeverYield
Discord ID: 365351802566213632
if u ever want to kill yourself let me know so we can do a double suicide
Where you wake up can't move and see shit
ur stuck
and u feel like ur under attack
I know
But what do you see
i only recall it ever happening once to me when i was like 13
Sometimes you feel like someone is holding you down and you halluicinate.
@VicariousJambi been there, I was also dreaming with my eyes open.
Scariest shit ever.
@chelds so last year?
What kind of shit do you see
@WeWillNeverYield yes!!<:PepeAnnoyed:356316701983244288>
I've never had it, but I've looked into trying lucid dreaming and apparently you are very likely to wake up like that if you do
I'd rather not go into it
lots of different shit
@n//a I saw a light coming from my bathroom. Bright blue.
Turns out it was just the morning sun, but I was dreaming about demons coming to get me.
it happens often
With sleep paralysis
Shit was wack, jack.
Could you hear them
or something
I had sleep paralysis happen to me sometimes.
It's different for everyone
It is scary I must admit.
Once i dreamed my teeth fell out and i was trying on new teeth out of this gross pile it was so fucking weird
I once felt like I was being grabbed and tossed around my bedroom
I can't dream muxh.
I forget usually.
+ Aphantasia.
I've noticed I very often dream of me running away from something
FB wants us to associate Trump with the vegas shooting so we see trump negatively btw. its NLP they're using.
@Scary_Clown That sounds scary as fuck
Neuro Linguistic Programming?
yeah lol
@ordosius and the sheriff said none of the cameras were recording during the shooting.