Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 365353874820956160
@chelds pls don't be like that
That was when I was younger
@chelds You'll grow out of it
@Scary_Clown Well your body is asleep but you mind wakes up before your body turns on and you can't move it
@VicariousJambi ye but your eyes are closed and your brain is barely awake
probably, i think it's just circumstantial @WeWillNeverYield
I also read that you have a feeling of running like your body kicks into flight mode?
so even though you're awake you still hallucinate sometimes
@Scary_Clown yeah like dream limbo
bc ur brain is freaking out
When it's happened to me, I've been able to open my eyes
@chelds Keep an open mind and don't believe the media. It's really that simple
@Mudvaynian you
you aren't really opening your eyes though
Should be skeptical of everything
you just think you are
me too
and your brain is simulating what it thinks it would see if it opened its eyes
@VicariousJambi You wake up early and can't move
It gets even darker
It sucks and it's horrifying
Some people see shadows
@WeWillNeverYield oh yes im aware, im not anti-trump or anything
I figured
How are you 14??
And occasionally solid figures
and im definitely not pro Hilary
serious wtf
I don't want to be alone tonight
Just... walking
@VicariousJambi *hug*
@VicariousJambi We've scared you straight
No more sleeping with my sister
That's illegal @n//a