Message from @king
Discord ID: 365605033292595210
How do reset??
uninstall reinstall
@WeWillNeverYield get better internet connection
@WeWillNeverYield whats the issue
i dotn see anyhting wrong
Ctrl R did nothing
@¯\_(ツ)_/¯ gi joe rogan nation godfather is pretty good. the oceans movies are good too
check through settings to see if profile pics are off
@WeWillNeverYield you need to wait
for discord to update the stuff
ctrl r should have refreshed yer discord. maybe try restarting yer computer?
or install update
i dont see anything wrong
It's an issue with discord hes having
@king devils advocate, scent of a woman, righteous kil, insomia and scarface
It's a known bug
why do you guys keep making servers on places like dicksword where they can just be taken
someone should make a teamspeak or something
Teamspeak is gay
not outdated
dicksword hahahaha
discord is gay
I'm taking a shit atm.
myspace is gay
looks pretty gay!
the discord permissions system is memed
teamspeak is better by 100x with that
you have to pay to get this many users on a teamspeak server
the GUI just looks worse
Restart did nothing
the guy loks stuck in the 80s
Team speak looks like ass
just uninstall it @WeWillNeverYield do reinstall