Message from @ah
Discord ID: 365946598922125313
Juxera: a feminine gender similar to girl, but on a separate plane and off to itself
@StevePines -WA <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
what the fuck?
why did my comment get deleted
traps are where the real nibbas at
come at me
@Deleted User d0e93084 and by "queer art" i mean "muh stereotype breaking art"
I wonder if there’s a terrorist gender
like sexualization of children and that bullshit.....
male and female. thats it. all who argue against this are morons
i dont give a shit about queer art, who deleted my comment 😦
@Gunslinger there is a thing called gender terrorist, I shit you not
@WrasslinMan what about felame
@Deleted User d0e93084 REEEEEE
Genderblank: a gender that can only be described as a blank space; when gender is called into question, all that comes to mind is a blank space
I was talking to you REEE
@StevePines -WA Dele
felame isnt a thing
you want us to die of alzheimers
bc the cancer will be so much well get alzheimrs
and cancer ofc
Genderfuzz: coined by lolzmelmel; the feeling of having more than one gender that are somehow blurred together to the point of not being able to distinguish or identify individual genders; synonymous with blurgender
that moment when you get alzheimers at 25 years old
Genderbender : a gender that is described as a form of otherkin to the cartoon character Bender from Futurama
@StevePines -WA who the fuck is lolzmelmel
Pangender: the feeling of having every gender; this is considered problematic by some communities and thus has been used as the concept of relating in some way to all genders as opposed to containing every gender identity; only applies to genders within one’s own culture