Message from @Scary_Clown
Discord ID: 366855431362183170
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx You’re the best, Pefi❤️
Hey goys
@Deleted User 904fdf23 you're the best ❤
@Peter I saw that o_O
@Deleted User 904fdf23 hop in voice 😃
@Scary_Clown I gotta take a shower
I’m listening to lana del rey
@Scary_Clown I saw that o_O
can you white knights take this somewhere else
lana del rey is very good
let's discuss the recent immigration stuff trump said
She is, I love her voice
@ErnieLanders I think it is very good he is working to get rid of all those loose loopholes
Theres no way he has the votes to pass it though
Lots of GOP think less legal immigration is crazy (kinda true)
He cant pass anything lol
Half the GOP hates him
Not his fault
Hopefully mccain dies soon
and that one supreme court justice
Fish from Pakistan, water
Mccain said his diagnosis is pretty grim so hopefully it's soon
Remember Seth Rich?
new space global
The_dongoloid took it too far
@🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱) removed your mod
please clean your room