Message from @Deleted User d0e93084
Discord ID: 368290872540004354
clear and dry over here. (low energy)
oh shieeet, it's friday the 13th boys.
I don’t like really sunny and quiet days too, they make want to die
I love summer nights
Funnily enough I don't consider 13 that unlucky of a number. I've had some instances where that number has turned out lucky for me, more times than I can consider it be to a coincidence.
Do American companies really not have the 13th floor?
Best one was where I was playing Quaser, wore number 13 quasar suit. And I was the WINNER, boys.
I have seen a lot of multi-story car parks that miss out out numbers and just go up in evens.
I think I even came across one once where it just went 11, 12, 14, 15, 16...
I was like, wtf
Maybe I was just day dreaming
Russians are very superstitious but even we don’t take the 13 out xd
So anyway, I'm the next anti-Christ.
Not yet. Now is my road trip to power.
Make the United Kingdom Christian again
but there are the ones that still do, right? What’s the point
well a few reasons
why let a number rule over them
Reminder: HUGE November 7th Election Information post: Registration Deadlines this week!
@Deleted User 904fdf23 ``` It is believed Jesus was Cruxified on Friday, the thirteenth, there were thirteen men in his company when he was arrested (including himself)```
this is one of many possible reasons
Damn, so if 13 really is my lucky number, does that mean I am in fact evil but just don't know it yet?
```On Friday the 13th in the year 1213 the entire order of the Templar Knights was hauled before the inquisition for crimes against the church. They met their fate in a most grusome manner.```
I’ve heard about this one🤔 But ommiting the 13th floor, room, not having business meetings at this day - it’s all pretty exaggerated
@Deleted User d0e93084 And then we have the movie, Friday the 13th. <:pepewat:363726771365085185>
lotta gay, lotta gay.
I never even seen the movie
Any of them
Okay, I’m heading to the uni, bye
See ya