Message from @Drakus_
Discord ID: 368778959623684096
He's just being a dumb idiot
but i was muted yesterday
I mark your skin with shrapnel
You were probs muted because you were being annoying or irrelevant
I said fuk america
the world would be better whitout religion
shut up fag
athiests are pussies
@Deleted User d0e93084 Yeah, that's what I'm basing that assumption on
Whew lads we got a keyboard warrior here
Red alert
He's gonna try and hit us with the bantz
@Danilo22 im sorry to say it m8 but you can't win a conversation in here if your point is negative for the US, like 90% of the people in here is American patriots
1 man army
i will take on every american
This debate would be much better if it we're 50/50 christians and muslims
And then you'll die
Yeah it's kinda one-sided
>be american
>get shot
do women deserve rights?
Thou shall not murder
i dont think so
forgetting that?
All Americans are immigrants
stand your ground law is braindead retarded
justifies killing people because u get triggered they are too close to u
America don't have history
It's fucking set defense
Self defence is braindead retarded?