Message from @Аnоnумоus
Discord ID: 555412267462688779
yet it was only good on paper
In white and say the n word
It had a good meaning but went wrong lol
not cool bro
n word? do you mean nerd
Replace f with g
no nesquik syrup my dude
@Аnоnумоus I don't even know who Logan Paul is, is he a glober pretending to be a flat earther like the rest of Metatron, Hot potatos Sargant Davidson and the rest of the counter intelligence program Psychological Warfare operatives?
Yeah if i say the real word ill get banned
@ALL MIGHT I won't ban you
*logan paul glober pretending*
@Human Sheeple the bot will
nah logan paul is a moron
dont worry about him lol
Yep he is
He filmed a dead body
he filmed a suicide victim
he filmed a dead body in the japanese suicide forest and uploaded it
dont detain him sheeple please
Watch a ship sail off to sea
Without being in the sky, it is impossible to see the curvature of the Earth. However, you can always see a demonstration of this if you visit a harbor or any place with a wide-open view of the water.
If you are able to watch a ship sail off to sea, watch its mast and flag as it fades off into the distance. You will notice that, in fact, it does not "fade off into the distance" at all; instead, you will see its mast and flag appear to slowly sink. The ship sailed beyond the point at which you would see it. Just to be sure, bring a pair of binoculars with you so that you can see even farther off into the distance.
It's as if you're watching it go over to the other side of a hill. This phenomenon can only be explained by a sphere-shaped planet.
Smart man he clearly passed his exams
@Аnоnумоus You are a fluoridated zombie who thinks his floor is a giant ball and parrots whatever the government tells him
when his primary audience are children
@Аnоnумоus Prove the cause of bottom up occultation is caused by a spherical earth
@Human Sheeple Wut
@Human Sheeple prove me the earth is flat
I want 2 bits of evidence
Prove it's not lensing
But what do you think happen with the ships when they sail off the edge? @Human Sheeple
it's literally going down the ship is literally going down
@Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
lol no