Message from @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx
Discord ID: 369411018616602636
sashka now has 2 points.
just add ++ to your name sasha
im restarting the bot
1 sec π
Sounds pretty tearable
okay bot is back up can someone test it by doing @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx ++
@trent its okay lol
Shinobi now has 1486 points.
Are you fucking-
You can't modify your own rep, jackass.
@shagurnan π
sashka now has 3 points.
EMOhugs @Deleted User 904fdf23
@Deleted User 904fdf23 was given a BIG hug from @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx!
bite Bite people!
cuddle Cuddle people!
facepalm Facepalm images!
feed Feed people!
fever Do you have the Fever?
hi5 HighFive people!
hugs Hug people!
hungry Hungry images!
kiss Kiss people!
lick Lick people!
moist Moist lol!
nuts NutCracker images!
ohno Oh no they didnt images!
shake Handshake!
shoot Shoot people!
slap Slap people!
spank Spank people!
strip STRIP!
taunt Taunt people!
tease Tease people!
thirsty The Thirst is Real!
twerk TWERK!
whip Whip someone!
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx was given a BIG hug from @Deleted User 904fdf23!
what the frick
Sniffing your freshly cut wrists
why did it use the same gif again
it should not of done that
EMOspank @Lex
@Lex was SPANKED HARD by @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx , and they LOVED it!
doesn't look very hard
EMOtwerk <user>
EMOtwerk @Deleted User 904fdf23
@Deleted User 904fdf23 TWERKED FOR @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx! and they LIKED it!
@Deleted User 904fdf23 was BITTEN by @Lex!