Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 369583725790363658
U fagg
<:ree:356316447548375070> <:PepeSmug:356316580143169536>
The only solution for the US Debt is incredible inflation.
We need a balanced budget amendment. Deficit spending only when the country is at war.
Yep, because humans are corrupt, greedy <@&350743889667424256>s
Only solution
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Is nuclear cum
Puppo I got some bad news...
Who is Puppo?
Walter posted your legs...
Even with a balanced budget you're going to have people who even though they have outstanding living conditions, and more than enough - will want more. I.e. Someone who has a good job may still not be happy because they want a bigger house. Nicer clothes. Better something etc
@StevePines -WA m8 did you ask for cuckbuster just to whiteknight that girl
This is puppo
he did what
@Scary_Clown no i just wanted to explain
He posted the picture of your legs while youre wearing stockings...
@StevePines -WA weak
which onr
There's a lot of pics of me on stockings
black stockings i think
just legs
he had it saved
said he sent the wrong pic
My feet
@amygdala wow you really were paying attentions to my lessons
@Scary_Clown yes I like to learn
kenny is gay now
Nice feet for a nibba
Yes Kenny, thats Puppo
kenny you said they were nice, ur gay
dont bully my friends, only i get to bully my friends <:pepegun:356316958141972501>