Message from @Deleted User 9e804bc6
Discord ID: 369706733943390209
I wonder if black people smell to black people
i got my dad's jew hair 😢
i want selena gomez to stick her pointer finger down my urethra
Are there black people here who can answer that? Prob not
Two variations wavy/strait
i cant stand girls who cut their long hair because it looks so fuckin gross
i hate pixie cuts
it is worst trend
Like gender
ladies keep your hiar
i used to have pixie cut
it's long now
your hair only grows 6 inches yearly AT MOST, its gonna take a while to get back to its original length
is it gay to fuck a dike
i had bangs
especially if your hair is wavy because then its like 75% of its maxiumm length
@amygdala How much does it look like a girl? This is what you need to ponder on
Waves moderate length
asteroid 8766 now has 2 points.
honestly people need to acknowledge that hard work makes you smarter
upvoted friendo
i wish i wasnt raised for such a long time believing that people are gifted
@Deleted User 9e804bc6 please upvote me please 🙂
lemme tell you a thing
Shinobi now has 1493 points.
i wasnt born with good memory i needed to practice it
IQ is a factor nonetheless
and i wasnt born with good art skills i had to practice that too
when one of my white blonde friends got hugged by a black dude, she had no idea he smelt like shit but i knew
i wasn't gifted
but you know on the bright side, while some 14 year olds draw better than me, they usually turn out to be transgender liberals and kill themselves despite having a great skill 😃
@Deleted User 9e804bc6 You not get laid or something?
IQ can be altered but variations in available range