Message from @Perkowitz
Discord ID: 369706293352595457
if i was black idk wtf i would do with my hair
its either afro or dread or bald
i have curly hair but it's not like black people curly
i prefer dread
i'd do afro
i watch NFL football and they look cool in dreads
if your mixed sometimes you get lucky and you got easily manageable hair
I'd kms if I was black
me too
Not me
i'd probably have an afro or something
But I love living
i'd kill myself too because my family hates black people
my hair is not straight like all the white girls at my school but its wavy
Ill be honest, I dated a black girl in college and while she was awesome, she had this smell that would kill me
no but they're so ugly like
if i go a day without brushing i have to brush it for 20 minutes
most of the girls i know have wavy or straight hair
I wonder if black people smell to black people
i want selena gomez to stick her pointer finger down my urethra
Are there black people here who can answer that? Prob not
Two variations wavy/strait
i cant stand girls who cut their long hair because it looks so fuckin gross
i hate pixie cuts
it is worst trend
Like gender
ladies keep your hiar
i used to have pixie cut
it's long now
your hair only grows 6 inches yearly AT MOST, its gonna take a while to get back to its original length
is it gay to fuck a dike
i had bangs
especially if your hair is wavy because then its like 75% of its maxiumm length
@amygdala How much does it look like a girl? This is what you need to ponder on
Waves moderate length