Message from @MRLOcelot23
Discord ID: 369928312677597194
But they're a good example as to why we shouldnt do that
we should adopt venezuela's healthcare system
they're progressive and forward-thinking
@MRLOcelot23 we like free speech. We also are a pro trump server
we do love free speech but this is our realm
no Jews allowed
you people dont give us free speech so why should we give you free speech?
dont stay in yoiour safe space
"you people"
i would give you free speech
>free speech
>saying dumb shit just for reaction
i would give narzis free speech
what is a narzi?
sorry bad at spelling
Narzi is a nazi narwhale
Liberal spelling skills there.
kill the kikes everybody
wow, that's funny
lol you guys are cunts
i was hoping you guys would be more rational
@WeWillNeverYield ahhhhh
like most Trump supporters
@MRLOcelot23 who did you vote for?
@WrasslinMan probably bernie
piss off if you're gonna throw shade as well
I voted for Trump
@WrasslinMan in the genrel?
@MRLOcelot23 yes
genrel? whats a genrel?
it's a toothpaste brand
You voted for bills wife?
@WrasslinMan too young but i wouldnt bother, Colorado is democratic so