Message from @stupid
Discord ID: 369929273102041089
why do you guys keep saying this pointless shit lol
>not trying to free yourself of the simulation the jews trapped you in
@WrasslinMan still shes a bitch
@MRLOcelot23 lol. K dude time to go
privet 😳 @amygdala
fuck off XD
let me speak my mind XD
No seriously go we hate Hillary
you will not replace us
i dont like her XD
i hate that itch
@MRLOcelot23 sounds like its 14 years old
not even meming
hope fucks off and dies but i thought she was better than Trump
@Autistic Dog i am 16 so
yo can smell it can't you
there we go
No commies in our chat! no commies in our chat! #punchacommie @MRLOcelot23 I will punch you!
literally a dumb child
fuck you liberal shitheads you will not make us ashamed of being white or being trump supporters
How is she the lesser evil? Look at the bodies piled on her family, the scandals, the corruption, the slush fund charity, etc
is fairness whytho is also a dumb child and he has gold
@WrasslinMan as if Trump is scandel free
я положил палец в мою задницу
you niggas are arguing with a child
Позвольте мне трахнуть ваше ухо
>implying we're not all autistic
@MRLOcelot23 bro the shit he's done isn't even comparable. Put it in context for gods sake
@MRLOcelot23 get educated then come back and talk to us
the email scandal would have landed any other government employee in prison
I could stop but.. *goes to google*
im actually not autistic just fried my brain as a teenager
are you guys going to let my say stuff or just get triggered cause i am a lib or too young or whatever