Message from @!𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓮 𝓟𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷

Discord ID: 369947735622942730

2017-10-17 20:38:34 UTC  

<@238343141814435841> also get your damn republican bullshit outta here

2017-10-17 20:38:42 UTC  

@trent how so

2017-10-17 20:39:00 UTC  

Capitalism > Communism

2017-10-17 20:39:02 UTC  

adams apple

2017-10-17 20:39:02 UTC  

because you still value parts of it in your political ideology

2017-10-17 20:39:02 UTC  


2017-10-17 20:39:07 UTC  


2017-10-17 20:39:09 UTC  


2017-10-17 20:39:15 UTC  

he hates capitalism but is okay with people buying iphones and wearing 900 dollar boots to protest against capitalism <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>

2017-10-17 20:39:15 UTC  

thats not adam that was john that hit you

2017-10-17 20:39:18 UTC  

@Autistic Dog Thanks for finding the article

2017-10-17 20:39:24 UTC  

Even the economic is demonic.

2017-10-17 20:39:28 UTC  

@trent well yeah nigga, im fine with small businesses

2017-10-17 20:39:31 UTC  

Have you guys seen the recent studies done by Sydney univ that shows 62% of right wingers are either serial killers or pedophiles?

2017-10-17 20:39:33 UTC  

capitalism is stupid because other people make money

2017-10-17 20:39:39 UTC  

but its good because you get money

<@238343141814435841> hi there

2017-10-17 20:39:45 UTC  

@Autistic Dog I said he was retarded from the start

2017-10-17 20:39:50 UTC  

@whytho >FINE WITH SMALL BUSINESS, ADVOCATES FOR COMMUNISM <:thistbh:356316832048742412>

2017-10-17 20:39:51 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Simon#5637 was banned!***

2017-10-17 20:40:13 UTC  

@RageAmp (AmyFan) he doesnt advocate for communism

2017-10-17 20:40:15 UTC  


2017-10-17 20:40:20 UTC  

he does though

2017-10-17 20:40:24 UTC  

Someone said something about Eminem's autistic rap about Donald trump

2017-10-17 20:40:24 UTC  

no he doesnt

2017-10-17 20:40:33 UTC  

eminem is the best

2017-10-17 20:40:34 UTC  

trent you really are new he's been advocating it for more than a year

2017-10-17 20:40:37 UTC  

And then deleted it

2017-10-17 20:40:42 UTC  

what economic system is advocated then?

2017-10-17 20:40:43 UTC  

he became 'muh 3rd position' like a week ago

2017-10-17 20:41:00 UTC  

3rd position is for artards who cant make money.

2017-10-17 20:41:04 UTC  

2017-10-17 20:41:08 UTC  

Have you seen the Syrians response to Eminem's retarded rap bc its accurate

2017-10-17 20:41:22 UTC  

eminem had a sexy rap

2017-10-17 20:41:23 UTC  

```The Great Depression greatly impacted Germany and by 1930 there was a dramatic increase in unemployment. During this time, the Strasser brothers started publishing a new daily newspaper in Berlin, the Nationaler Sozialist.[20] Like their other publications, it conveyed the brothers' own brand of Nazism, including nationalism, anti-capitalism, social reform, and anti-Westernism.[21] Goebbels complained vehemently about the rival Strasser newspapers to Hitler, and admitted that their success was causing his own Berlin newspapers to be "pushed to the wall".[22] In late April 1930, Hitler publicly and firmly announced his opposition to Gregor Strasser and appointed Goebbels as Reich leader of NSDAP propaganda. When Hitler visited Goebbels' on 2 May 1930, Goebbels banned the evening edition of the Nationaler Sozialist. Gregor Strasser distanced himself from his brother and relinquished his position as publisher of the Nationaler Sozialist by the end of June, while Otto left the Party at the beginning of July.```

2017-10-17 20:41:27 UTC  
2017-10-17 20:41:28 UTC  


2017-10-17 20:41:31 UTC  

more reasons to hate hitler

2017-10-17 20:41:37 UTC  

fucking loser

2017-10-17 20:41:40 UTC  

hitler was the best