Message from @sithfreeman
Discord ID: 369947504797810689
no not really
@trent or he's just a 15 year old troll
ok good 🙂
this is a heated convo tho
isn't that every day though
<@238343141814435841> extra chat room on the left
If hitler was alive, the world would be a better place
What type of fucking name is huma
<@238343141814435841> also get your damn republican bullshit outta here
Capitalism > Communism
adams apple
because you still value parts of it in your political ideology
he hates capitalism but is okay with people buying iphones and wearing 900 dollar boots to protest against capitalism <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
thats not adam that was john that hit you
Even the economic is demonic.
Have you guys seen the recent studies done by Sydney univ that shows 62% of right wingers are either serial killers or pedophiles?
capitalism is stupid because other people make money
but its good because you get money
<@238343141814435841> hi there
@Autistic Dog I said he was retarded from the start
@whytho >FINE WITH SMALL BUSINESS, ADVOCATES FOR COMMUNISM <:thistbh:356316832048742412>
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Simon#5637 was banned!***
@RageAmp (AmyFan) he doesnt advocate for communism
he does though
Someone said something about Eminem's autistic rap about Donald trump
no he doesnt
eminem is the best
trent you really are new he's been advocating it for more than a year
And then deleted it
what economic system is advocated then?
he became 'muh 3rd position' like a week ago