Message from @Dyno
Discord ID: 370030408894513153
If it wasn't for the awesome history and all that I'd just be a Protestant
but do you really think that they're an aspiring power?
just say no
No, but they abuse power in situations throughout history
that was back when they actually did represent a sovereign nation tho
@KennyD But you are still there for him, which is nice.
I can't talk in vc rip
after italy took their shit, things haven't been the same
sad people need drugs to feel some sort of semblance of happiness in their life <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
@KennyD We were there once, in some respects.
@RageAmp (AmyFan) I did drugs to make me feel good and to buy into the whole 'doors of perception' schtick
so fucking based
@futurestorms it's tough for me to understand why since I grew up with strict Catholic parents but understand sadly not everyone had good parental figures
@RageAmp (AmyFan) bingo. My mom was an alcoholic.
well fuckin' rip me
@Fox ⚾ 🇦🇺 same thing.
wow. someone wanted in.
wrong person
we need another Just say no campaign
Someone tell me how I become a patriot
aaaaaand no answer...
@CornOnTheCob Have faith in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Believe in God and Country.
aight I'll leave then lmao
typo lmao
@CornOnTheCob It's automatic to become Patriot
every 24/36/48 hours I role up everyone via the Dyno bot
I do it in waves
Bumped :thumbsup:
I'll role up everyone now 🙂