Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 370116449693335554
You seem to be thinking a lot for a 16 year old. >_>
Not sure whether I should be impressed or terrified.
Meh, I'll be impressed. I know 30+ year old adults who are far more childish and irrational than you.
am i childish?
i am 18years and ik more baout life than all of you
One even referred to themselves a few days ago as a genderfluid pan/Demi/omnisexual
i have not interacted with you much @hansax
Hello @Scary_Clown
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx let's talk about demographics
i am not interested in this subject @hansax at the time
I'm not going to lie. @Scary_Clown has impressed me as a mod.
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx sport?
i dislike sports.
And here I thought when he first joined the team that he was going to burn the server down on accident.
it's just a fucking discord role holy fug
Like I have with Scary since the fake dick pic thing
End my life
Why do you say this @Randeon
What was that?
what is wrong @Randeon
Because memz
why are you a sad face @Scary_Clown what is wrong
Memes are a sustainer of life, not a destroyer.
You are trying to demote me
Why would anyone try to demote you? You've done a decent job as mod
Hell, better than I did.
@Walter u did some pretty degen stuff Idk what u expected
This is not true @Scary_Clown i was joking when i said this. i made you mod and i do not wish to demod you as it will make my image on bad i think your doing a good job so far so keep it up me and the staff team including the server love you scary_clown 🙂 ❤
U like Trent more than me 😭
NO I DO NOT i love the mod team equally
That's not what u said earlier 😭😭😭