Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 370115604738211840
Not to mention the numerous story's on an FBI coverup on vegas.
it's all about the money
There has predictable has a house tour
have a house tour in mybiceps
my biceps are so big a family could live in them
Who wants to shill for Israel?
I'll give you a <:shekel:362992757146386432>
how old are you
21. You?
im 16
you're 21
do you have aspergers?
this is a serious question
have you been tested before?
Once, yes. Came back saying I had minor ADD.
You seem to be thinking a lot for a 16 year old. >_>
Not sure whether I should be impressed or terrified.
Meh, I'll be impressed. I know 30+ year old adults who are far more childish and irrational than you.
am i childish?
i am 18years and ik more baout life than all of you
One even referred to themselves a few days ago as a genderfluid pan/Demi/omnisexual
i have not interacted with you much @hansax
Hello @Scary_Clown
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx let's talk about demographics
i am not interested in this subject @hansax at the time
I'm not going to lie. @Scary_Clown has impressed me as a mod.
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx sport?
i dislike sports.
And here I thought when he first joined the team that he was going to burn the server down on accident.
it's just a fucking discord role holy fug
Jesus, Pef, I'm joking.
Like I have with Scary since the fake dick pic thing