Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 370219747532472330
Ahh, he likes BBW? He truly is a man of taste.
and are soft and warm
ima gonna go back to my game you guys get to have fun with the guy with the 500 accounts xd
>not wanting more women
@Lex whoah whoah whoah
who said you were fat
my gril frind is rl guys god she lives in Canada and is a modl
who the fuck said that
@Scary_Clown you can use their stomach as a drink coaster while fucking them
I am banning you.
Who said Scary was interested in Alexia?
*You* said you only date fat girls
fat girls are for practice
BAN WOMEN - Whytho 8:38 today
No-one said anything else
@Fusion Alexia is my girlfriend
You exposed your girlfriend to this discord?
Scarys just larping again like always
Scary isnt larping
scary only dates people on discord right?
Scary has lots of gfs
>scary isnt larping
Is scary a Mormon?
Scary is a fundamentalist Mormon
all the females on discord are scarys gf god lol
Mormons hopped the border into Mexico illegally
please stop doxxing me
she is a good woman
To escape persecution from the government
@trent sometimes I don't even know I'm stealing them from you when I do it
**whytho#0755** *has been warned.*