Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 370571314257330177
Like holy shit
Clown is doing normal shit
and jokes
People are legitimately white knighting gotis
I am 100% anti-fucking GOTIS
pls help save discord gril from scarie clown
I have been for 15 years. It is a cancer.
Again... NEW Project Veritas (And all prior in comments)
@VicariousJambi Scary literally isnt even in those
Ok I took away your image perms
i swear that last one was a mod chat
For posting unrelated shit
This literally has nothing to do with Scary clown
It's me joking about banning all women
Because she posted a pic of someones face
they dont want me posting more pics ha ha nice
that one with Sasha is stilly just pretty funny to me
@VicariousJambi are you paying attention to what is being said?
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Is @VicariousJambi a woman?
a bitch
I do not know.
S/he is whiteknighting very hard
server that tries to imitate /pol/ and people call others newfags but it censors shit for no reason hahaha
If you think Clown is in the wrong, is autoban
@gandhididpompeii Are you retarded