Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 370571571414171648
For posting unrelated shit
This literally has nothing to do with Scary clown
Yeah because its all of you fucks
It's me joking about banning all women
Because she posted a pic of someones face
they dont want me posting more pics ha ha nice
that one with Sasha is stilly just pretty funny to me
@VicariousJambi are you paying attention to what is being said?
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Because she posted a pic of someones face
Is @VicariousJambi a woman?
a bitch
I do not know.
S/he is whiteknighting very hard
server that tries to imitate /pol/ and people call others newfags but it censors shit for no reason hahaha
@gandhididpompeii Are you retarded
I dont really give a shit whats being said, lets just fucking harass dumb thots and anyone who thenks that isnt cool is a white knight
I disagree with @whytho about females and politics, but I agree with the policy of no GOTIS thot shit.
you are new to cc 🙄 so thats why u were called a newfag jfc
King how did you make a server with this many idiots
and i took image perms since it was spamming main chat
u goober
Why are we discussing clown? The real tragedy is that whytho has gold
you fucking told me to you retard
whytho is an oldfag
older than me
me having gold is a blessing
@VicariousJambi You weren't posting Scary_Clown screenshots
Sure I was
me having admin is the real thing you have to worry about
Are you dumb?
Yuo're just mad becuse you're in them too