Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 370571957671952385
you are new to cc 🙄 so thats why u were called a newfag jfc
King how did you make a server with this many idiots
and i took image perms since it was spamming main chat
u goober
Why are we discussing clown? The real tragedy is that whytho has gold
you fucking told me to you retard
whytho is an oldfag
older than me
me having gold is a blessing
@VicariousJambi You weren't posting Scary_Clown screenshots
Sure I was
me having admin is the real thing you have to worry about
Are you dumb?
Yuo're just mad becuse you're in them too
@VicariousJambi Scary isnt in that picture
at all
I dont think Paul cares about being in a screenshot
sry 4 dox
its ok
eh fuck this place, this is EXACTLY why 3 of the people who had the most posts left
That’d be awesome.
@VicariousJambi The fuck are you talking about
@VicariousJambi who is that
Explain this
What is wrong with that
steve, me and sasha
Why did you post this
It has no relevance
Steve left for what
@Deleted User 904fdf23 is still here,
>mods banning women for being women
>no relevance
She got past the GOTIS filter.
bible study pls