Message from @trent
Discord ID: 370571760656973824
Is @VicariousJambi a woman?
a bitch
I do not know.
S/he is whiteknighting very hard
server that tries to imitate /pol/ and people call others newfags but it censors shit for no reason hahaha
If you think Clown is in the wrong, is autoban
@gandhididpompeii Are you retarded
I dont really give a shit whats being said, lets just fucking harass dumb thots and anyone who thenks that isnt cool is a white knight
I disagree with @whytho about females and politics, but I agree with the policy of no GOTIS thot shit.
you are new to cc 🙄 so thats why u were called a newfag jfc
King how did you make a server with this many idiots
and i took image perms since it was spamming main chat
u goober
Why are we discussing clown? The real tragedy is that whytho has gold
you fucking told me to you retard
older than me
me having gold is a blessing
@VicariousJambi You weren't posting Scary_Clown screenshots
Sure I was
me having admin is the real thing you have to worry about
Are you dumb?
Yuo're just mad becuse you're in them too
@VicariousJambi Scary isnt in that picture
at all
I dont think Paul cares about being in a screenshot
oh h*ck
sry 4 dox
its ok
eh fuck this place, this is EXACTLY why 3 of the people who had the most posts left
That’d be awesome.
@VicariousJambi The fuck are you talking about