Message from @RIP ACCOUNT
Discord ID: 370719993786138635
( อกยฐ อส อกยฐ)
@StevePines -WA no u
@!๐๐ป๐ฝ๐ฒ๐ฎ ๐๐ฎ๐ท๐ญ๐ป๐ช๐ฐ๐ธ๐ท <:merchantwho:363578436255612929> The good days of the cuckbusters
@RIP ACCOUNT yea and they are back xd
you guys wanna learn a really sobering statistic
<:Thonk:362811285869559808> are they tho
that will help you wake up some normies
in a haze of their idiocy?
Cuckbuster is a reverse role and theyโre actually cucks
@RIP ACCOUNT well they need to recreate the secret cuckbuster server
the bottom 80% of blacks are dumber than 50% of whites.
@amygdala hi fofchick
so, 1 in 740 white Europeans have an IQ >145, whereas 1 in 3.5million Sub-Saharan Africans have that IQ.
whereas, 1 in 31.5k white Europeans have an IQ >160, -- only 1 in a billion sub-saharan africans have that level of IQ.
I'm autistic 200IQ
africoons dont have critical thinking skills <:wesmart:359946049588166657>
there have been 100 billion people who have ever lived. It would take 780 billion sub-saharan africans to produce 1 with an IQ of 175 or more
@RIP ACCOUNT idk if they have one or not
> 780 billion
meaning it has never happened and probably never will happen. To compare there are approximately 20 white Britons with an IQ of 175 or more alive today.
Lol probably not but if they do, its tradition for it to be infiltrated
so next time someone wonders why it is that africa is such a giant shithole
now you know
Not enough 175 iq, got it
america needs a strong leader like trump that drops bombs on conturies that make his daughter cry
that, and the fact they have 8 kids each
S๐ ฑ๏ธone em
@Jeb no
O๐ ฑEN ๐ ฑO๐ ฑ
Open vagene
seriously, take a peek at some of the projected populations of africa for the next 20 years