Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 372377183194316800
Just because people called red, orange doesn't mean red is orange
"a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."
I am a FASCIST! I got 88 kike problems, but being FASC isn't 1
Let's look at Antifa
Antifa isn't an ideology
Antifa forcibly suppresses opposition and criticism with violence
Antifa is a terror organization
Funded by soros
Antifa wants industry and commerce to be entirely regulated by the state
@!Co-Owner! Calling someone a fascist is a big bandwagon effect, they may still know what it stands for (not in these guy's case) but use it as an insult.
The "army of antifa"
Antifa supports nationalism - the nationalism of blacks and other minorities ruling over whites as second class citizens
The army of antifa is funded, all of them
An insult? Being a fascist is in line with being white.
And of course wanting whites to be second class citizens is racist.
@Fusion You're using a political definition. People have used fascist to describe people's authoritarian behavior for a long time.
@The GUNNY And for some people being white is insulting.
Words can have multiple definitions and change over time.
Viking those people are racists
@Logical-Scholar - They are fools and race traitors.
And Antifa meets every criteria to be deemed fascist
It’s racist that people are white
@Fusion Depending on the dictionary they usually throw in 'right wing nationalistic' in there, so the semantics arguers automatically dismiss it as "not fascist".
A lot of people actually think it's extra bad if a white is racist than a black being racist.
Now how is a fascist government set up again?
And that makes no sens e
I always hear it’s either very socialist or just run by corporations
Fascist has been used to describe extreme authoritarians for a long time no matter their political beliefs.
Antifa aren't authoritarian
If a black cop shoots a white you won't know it most likely as much as you would hear about white cops shooting blacks
What is so hard to understand
Antifa is trash is what I’m understanding
What if a black cop and a white cop shoot each other at the same time
Antifa describes themselves as "anarcho-communists" if I am not mistaken
Can you tell me which ideology every single antifa member is
That may make headlines
Anarcho communism isn't a thing
Anarcho communist