Message from @Autistic Dog

Discord ID: 372377088893911061

2017-10-24 13:31:20 UTC  

Words can have multiple meanings.

2017-10-24 13:31:23 UTC  

Did you see the definition 50 years ago?

2017-10-24 13:31:34 UTC  

The dictionary says the definition of fascism is the following:

2017-10-24 13:31:36 UTC  

Just because people called red, orange doesn't mean red is orange

2017-10-24 13:31:41 UTC  

"a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

2017-10-24 13:31:51 UTC  

I am a FASCIST! I got 88 kike problems, but being FASC isn't 1

2017-10-24 13:31:57 UTC  

Let's look at Antifa

2017-10-24 13:32:13 UTC  

Antifa isn't an ideology

2017-10-24 13:32:14 UTC  

Antifa forcibly suppresses opposition and criticism with violence

2017-10-24 13:32:29 UTC  

Antifa is a terror organization

2017-10-24 13:32:34 UTC  

Funded by soros

2017-10-24 13:32:34 UTC  


2017-10-24 13:32:36 UTC  

Antifa wants industry and commerce to be entirely regulated by the state

2017-10-24 13:32:42 UTC  

@!Co-Owner! Calling someone a fascist is a big bandwagon effect, they may still know what it stands for (not in these guy's case) but use it as an insult.

2017-10-24 13:32:48 UTC  

The "army of antifa"

2017-10-24 13:32:55 UTC  


2017-10-24 13:33:14 UTC  

Antifa supports nationalism - the nationalism of blacks and other minorities ruling over whites as second class citizens

2017-10-24 13:33:15 UTC  

The army of antifa is funded, all of them

2017-10-24 13:33:23 UTC  

An insult? Being a fascist is in line with being white.

2017-10-24 13:33:28 UTC  

And of course wanting whites to be second class citizens is racist.

2017-10-24 13:33:36 UTC  

@Fusion You're using a political definition. People have used fascist to describe people's authoritarian behavior for a long time.

2017-10-24 13:33:46 UTC  

@The GUNNY And for some people being white is insulting.

2017-10-24 13:33:52 UTC  

Words can have multiple definitions and change over time.

2017-10-24 13:33:58 UTC  

I was actually using a dictionary definition :/

2017-10-24 13:34:03 UTC  

Viking those people are racists

2017-10-24 13:34:07 UTC  

@Logical-Scholar - They are fools and race traitors.

2017-10-24 13:34:08 UTC  

And Antifa meets every criteria to be deemed fascist

2017-10-24 13:34:12 UTC  

Itā€™s racist that people are white

2017-10-24 13:35:22 UTC  

@Fusion Depending on the dictionary they usually throw in 'right wing nationalistic' in there, so the semantics arguers automatically dismiss it as "not fascist".

2017-10-24 13:35:32 UTC  

A lot of people actually think it's extra bad if a white is racist than a black being racist.

2017-10-24 13:35:44 UTC  

Now how is a fascist government set up again?

2017-10-24 13:35:48 UTC  

And that makes no sens e

2017-10-24 13:36:12 UTC  

I always hear itā€™s either very socialist or just run by corporations

2017-10-24 13:36:14 UTC  

Fascist has been used to describe extreme authoritarians for a long time no matter their political beliefs.

2017-10-24 13:36:24 UTC  

Antifa aren't authoritarian

2017-10-24 13:36:26 UTC  

If a black cop shoots a white you won't know it most likely as much as you would hear about white cops shooting blacks

2017-10-24 13:36:32 UTC  

What is so hard to understand

2017-10-24 13:36:47 UTC  

Antifa is trash is what Iā€™m understanding

2017-10-24 13:36:59 UTC  

What if a black cop and a white cop shoot each other at the same time

2017-10-24 13:37:01 UTC  

Antifa describes themselves as "anarcho-communists" if I am not mistaken

2017-10-24 13:37:05 UTC  

Can you tell me which ideology every single antifa member is