Message from @amygdala
Discord ID: 373873012522352640
Again, you choose what is acceptable for you, rather than what is good for your entire group over time.
Europeans in general are so cucked
we have to keep the anglo saxon blood lines going
dont mix with soviets
we should just ban women from social media ffs, they're using it wrong
Auschwits is your home
Ovens are your bed.
@Saxon My group is my community. Here and IRL. I defend my home and my community.
when is the next coup
@amygdala ask KennyD!😂
Accepting (((others))) directly harms your community.
Oh right there already was a mini coup
What you're saying is that you are fine with accepting people from any other group that your government tells you to. You have been de-fanged, you are are livestock.
If you want to call it that. It was a nothing burger. dumbasses
You see no problem with your government scouring the earth for people with traits that will destroy your community and customs and plopping them right nextdoor to you.
@Saxon Oh, ok. Like i’m the only one in my city that has any say. BTW, we TURNED DOWN sanctuary status, overwhelmingly. So don’t make blanket assumptions and false character assassinations. It makes you look like a dick.
@SchloppyDoggo I’m here forever
What exactly was wrong with my statement?
And this ‘crisis’ is a nothing pot stirrer.
You say that you'll accept anyone that is in your territory, so long as the government puts them there.
And that they behave up to the standards the government puts forth.
(Which are rapidly changing & becoming selectively upheld depending on race)
did you guys see that pol thread saying that Mueller was going to charge Obama on monday?
Ni🅱️🅱️a you’re out of your tree. You are selecting only what you want to hear, like a libtard. @Saxon
Ahh well. I can't even get you to observe things differently. Nice chat though. Take care @futurestorms
@SchloppyDoggo link?
Wow, i wonder what the Vegas odds on this are. Lots of ‘no it’s your side that’s guilty!’
GUYS WHAT THE FUCK. Why did I just get an advert for single Muslims. GUYS. WHY. Is it trying to induct me here.
On Youtube again
Why is it always Youtube.
@฿ⱤɆӾł₮ɆɆⱤ Did you look up a lot of muslim news/stuff/images on your search engine, lately?
I was watching infowars and got a Colbert Show ad. It was a funny contrast.
I cleaned all my tracking cookies the other day so I don't see where this has come from.