Message from @AIDSFrodo

Discord ID: 373918715051245570

2017-10-28 19:38:12 UTC  

nah he cant be in his company

2017-10-28 19:38:13 UTC  

we're gonna meme faceberg so hard we'll destroy him even worse than we did hillary in 2016 - he doesnt stand a chance

2017-10-28 19:38:16 UTC  

He has more power as CEO of Facebook than running

2017-10-28 19:38:18 UTC  

Yea exactly

2017-10-28 19:38:22 UTC  

@AIDSFrodo he would leave like trump did

2017-10-28 19:38:23 UTC  

ya goofs

2017-10-28 19:38:25 UTC  


2017-10-28 19:38:30 UTC  

He'll do the side Jew tactics but won't be running

2017-10-28 19:38:31 UTC  

and if he starts fucking around

2017-10-28 19:38:33 UTC  

he'll be tried so fast

2017-10-28 19:38:35 UTC  


2017-10-28 19:38:36 UTC  

We should start meming random candidates already to knock them out

2017-10-28 19:38:38 UTC  

he's already rnning

2017-10-28 19:38:58 UTC  

2020 maybe

2017-10-28 19:39:02 UTC  

2024 definitely

2017-10-28 19:39:11 UTC  

He's smart and understands statistics, any poll will show him practically out

2017-10-28 19:39:13 UTC  

mark my words we will have to deal with this asshat so much more in the future

2017-10-28 19:39:16 UTC  

i hope to god zucc runs

2017-10-28 19:39:20 UTC  

fucking zuccini boi

2017-10-28 19:39:28 UTC  

imagine how salty the left are going to be

2017-10-28 19:39:28 UTC  

the thing with faceberg is that hes already started to run fucking 3 years ahead of the election

2017-10-28 19:39:28 UTC  

@ErnieLanders you mean like hillary's interal polls told her whole team?

2017-10-28 19:39:33 UTC  

lol, if it he actually wins (which I doubt) I'm gonna start calling the US AmericaBook.

2017-10-28 19:39:33 UTC  

if what they are left with is fucking mark zuckercuck

2017-10-28 19:39:34 UTC  


2017-10-28 19:39:39 UTC  

tehy know they can steal even more next time

2017-10-28 19:39:43 UTC  

all those dreams

2017-10-28 19:39:43 UTC  

if the swamp isn't fully drained

2017-10-28 19:39:45 UTC  

under trump

2017-10-28 19:40:06 UTC  

no one trusts faceberg tho. and no one likes him. everyone sees him as a fucking thief.

2017-10-28 19:40:08 UTC  

if the swamp is partly drained

2017-10-28 19:40:13 UTC  

it'll still be harder to steal more

2017-10-28 19:40:14 UTC  

than ebfore

2017-10-28 19:41:22 UTC  

furthermore facebook is dying. its like myspace now. everyone is leaving it.

2017-10-28 19:42:09 UTC  

Men pre-baby boomer gen. had so much class compare to today's men.

2017-10-28 19:42:10 UTC  

doesnt matter

2017-10-28 19:42:13 UTC  

not even a little

2017-10-28 19:42:14 UTC  

i read something about facebook recently that said something like users posted 60% less in 2016 than they did in 2015.

2017-10-28 19:42:17 UTC  

zuck has insane power guys

2017-10-28 19:42:23 UTC  

we're in the middle of infowars