Message from @Eja Eja Alalà

Discord ID: 373988287557402626

2017-10-29 00:14:04 UTC  

@amygdala you fucker

2017-10-29 00:14:06 UTC  

you remopved me

2017-10-29 00:14:07 UTC  

Life is unfair and cruel and we are overpopulated

2017-10-29 00:14:09 UTC  

how dare you

2017-10-29 00:14:15 UTC  

yeah but they're different

2017-10-29 00:14:25 UTC  

what should we do with them

2017-10-29 00:14:39 UTC  

Allow them to live?

2017-10-29 00:14:44 UTC  

Life does begin at conception but abortion is good because it keeps minority numbers down

2017-10-29 00:14:47 UTC  

We can both be right

2017-10-29 00:14:55 UTC  

If the mother feels unfit to keep the child due to trauma, they can being it to an adoprion center

2017-10-29 00:15:01 UTC  

i am level 100 in song finding bruh

2017-10-29 00:15:04 UTC  

soo if I can't start carpet bombing 3rd world shitholes I want abortion and anti-contraseptives across the civilized and uncivilized world

2017-10-29 00:15:07 UTC  

yeah but who's gonna want a rape baby

2017-10-29 00:15:14 UTC  

nobody that's who

2017-10-29 00:15:19 UTC  

Who knows

2017-10-29 00:15:25 UTC  

A foster home can raise them if nobody wants to raise it

2017-10-29 00:15:26 UTC  

rape babies grow up to be serial killers

2017-10-29 00:15:27 UTC  


2017-10-29 00:15:41 UTC  

whenever ur watching forensic files and they have a serial killer, 90% of the time they're adopted

2017-10-29 00:15:45 UTC  

if I was a rape baby I'd definitely go that route tbh

2017-10-29 00:15:56 UTC  

maybe some ultra religious Nigger whore in Angola would keep a rape baby

2017-10-29 00:16:02 UTC  

Who wants a 10,000x6,000 picture of the strasserist flag

2017-10-29 00:16:14 UTC

2017-10-29 00:16:14 UTC  


2017-10-29 00:16:18 UTC  


2017-10-29 00:16:30 UTC  

I made it for puppo, and now someone has to take it

2017-10-29 00:16:39 UTC  

Strasserism is like Nazism but even more cancer

2017-10-29 00:16:45 UTC  


2017-10-29 00:17:36 UTC  

@whytho ok i added you back

2017-10-29 00:17:40 UTC  

also how much is it

2017-10-29 00:17:43 UTC  

i'll order it rn

2017-10-29 00:17:49 UTC  

had a dream i upgraded my computer and i got a super mario odysee motherboard that was like 5inches wide

2017-10-29 00:17:53 UTC  

its like 7 bucks

2017-10-29 00:17:55 UTC  

oh ok

2017-10-29 00:17:57 UTC  

but there are plenty of sellers

2017-10-29 00:17:59 UTC  

dm me link

2017-10-29 00:18:01 UTC  

you just have to link them that

2017-10-29 00:18:30 UTC  

On November 9, 1923, in the fourth year of its existence, the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party was dissolved and prohibited in the whole
Reich territory. Today, in November, 1926, it stands again free before us,
stronger and inwardly firmer than ever before.
All the persecutions of the movement and its individual leaders, all
vilifications and slanders, were powerless to harm it. The correctness of its
ideas, the purity of its will, its supporters’ spirit of self-sacrifice, have caused
it to issue from all repressions strong than ever.
If, in the world of our present parliamentary corruption, it becomes more
and more aware of the profoundest essence of its struggle, feels itself to be the
purest embodiment of the value of race and personality and conducts itself
accordingly, it will with almost mathematical certainty some day emerge
victorious from its struggle.
Just as Germany must inevitably win her rightful position on this earth if
she is led and organized according to the same principles.
A state which in this age of racial poisoning dedicates itself to the care
of its best racial elements must some day become lord of the earth.
May the adherents of our movement never forget this if ever the
magnitude of the sacrifices should beguile them to an anxious comparison with
the possible results.

2017-10-29 00:22:28 UTC  

Also Strasserism is a less capitalists and more syndicalists naczional socialism. The only reason most of the Strasserists were banished/died/were shoae'd durning the night of the long knifes was because they weren't THAT anti-semetic *most of them were kindoff but not to the deportation/(((shoa))) level* and because their economic policies wouldn't allow for a quick re-armament and to keep up a war economy something that Hitler and the inner party were hell bent on doing since they were sure that either the french would atack again or the soviets would take over east europe then germany.

2017-10-29 00:23:13 UTC  

guys/Conservacucks ?