Message from @Columbidae
Discord ID: 373987965573136424
In all cases ?
Punish abortion as if it was actually a murder
In all cases tho ?
But abortion is clearly killing a child
But abortion is clearly killing a mass of brainless biological matter*
As someone who isn't a fucking paganist heretic, I think abortion should grant the life sentence
what about rape babies though
Life begins at conception
its like killing a roach
Denying a human a right to life before they are even born is manipulative and cruel
yeah but what about the rape babies
The fetus has no real ability to feel pain till the 8th month
Rape babies are still babies, aren't they?
you remopved me
Life is unfair and cruel and we are overpopulated
how dare you
yeah but they're different
what should we do with them
Life does begin at conception but abortion is good because it keeps minority numbers down
We can both be right
If the mother feels unfit to keep the child due to trauma, they can being it to an adoprion center
i am level 100 in song finding bruh
soo if I can't start carpet bombing 3rd world shitholes I want abortion and anti-contraseptives across the civilized and uncivilized world
yeah but who's gonna want a rape baby
nobody that's who
Who knows
A foster home can raise them if nobody wants to raise it
rape babies grow up to be serial killers
whenever ur watching forensic files and they have a serial killer, 90% of the time they're adopted
if I was a rape baby I'd definitely go that route tbh
maybe some ultra religious Nigger whore in Angola would keep a rape baby
Who wants a 10,000x6,000 picture of the strasserist flag
I made it for puppo, and now someone has to take it