Message from @twofree
Discord ID: 376030571987730432
or it gunna burn
If I had black kids... wait a second, I'm not going near a black guy
Bun in the oven
I'll take it out after 8 for extra precaution
@Kami giff succ
I'd put black kids up for adoption no question
It must have been so awkward for the white parents to give birth to a black kid
I'd put em to work.
Nah they loved it
But it looks like she cheated and got pregnant from another man
what is there to conserve in the west? Nothing. Our race our people and our family should be taken care of, not conserving what we have now. That is why conservatives always change their points of views because the west is changing.
has anything even happened besides the based potus tweets this morning?
**Tomorrow it begins**
Will antifa finally be labeled as terrorists?
i thought the antifa fags were gathering on the 3rd and officially starting on the 4th
Idk haven't gotten any tweets about them gathering, and I follow a ton of Antifa Accounts
Or antifafa
when does Teflon Don leave for the Asia trip? anyone know?
I don't agree with anyone in the conservative side who shuns the nationalist socialist, the reason why i agree with them is because they see liberals and jews as a problem. Let me tell you something, the jews are a problem, they are subhuman people who wish nothing but YOU to be their slaves, and they the masters.
Do jew feel in charge?
I shun the nationalist socialist
Still a jew nonetheless
@RingOfFire lol are you really that dumb
People like you need to get the hell out of our country
My nigga you just got roasted
And my god learn to type you take forever
Just another example of your small mental capacity I guess huh?
Bobby Fischer, one of the smartest people in history he was a chess master, one of the smartest people in the planet. And you think this was a coincidence? No, he was a jew, he even said that Jews needed to be kill. He was persecuted by the US government because he was speaking the truth, at the end he was killed Iceland.
Too funny
I can't talk
notice the hothead carries a cumstained sockon a twig and has a reddit/rickandmorty/big bang theory related t-shirt
wtf is this
however, the glorious baneposter carries his flag with PRIDE