Message from @Augustus
Discord ID: 391411961742622720
**Should laws be made based on morality?**
**Do you support Jerusalem being named the capital of Israel?**
**Will the travel ban work as intended?**
**Should America cut back on social welfare programs?**
**If you were in the position to vote for Roy Moore, would you?**
**Are you a civic nationalist, ethnic nationalist, or neither?**
**Do you think the police shooting of Daniel Shaver was justified? <>**
**Are you a Republican?**
**Is homosexuality a choice?**
**Is race more than skin deep?**
**Should technological progress be pursued at all costs?**
**Do you believe all people have the same fundamental worth?**
**Is state involvement needed to protect citizens' interests?**
**"The freer the market, the freer the people."**
**Do technological advances often cause more harm than good?**
**Do you support the introduction of robots into the workplace?**
**Do you believe the government has become corrupt?**
**Do you support/trust President Trump?**
**Do you support the abolishment of common core testing?**
**Are you currently in a school of some kind?**
**Do you believe that citizens should be able to uphold the law when the government and law enforcement cannot?**
**Does Turkey belong in the EU?**
**Should the United States leave the United Nations?**
**Do you support the FCC's decision to repeal net neutrality rules?**
**Do you believe that the MSM works together on reporting a narrative?**
**Do you support or oppose the new European plan to form a central military?**
**Are you involved in any type of political group or movement?**
**Do you think China will join North Korea’s side regardless of who the first aggressor is?**
**Do you own any cryptocurrency?**
**Is freedom more valuable than security?**
**Are you actively religious?**
**Should porn be banned?**
**Should cryptocurrency be regulated?**
**Should homosexual couples have the right to adopt?**
**Do you think cryptocurrency will replace fiat currency in the future?**
**Would you support a more authoritarian regime in your country if it ensured the safety of your people, at the cost of some liberty?**
**Do you believe in global warming?**
**Do you believe the family unit is essential to psychological welfare?**
**Should the United States seek a closer relationship with Russia?**
**Is the Cold War over?**
**Should the US have strict voter ID?**