Message from @Augustus
Discord ID: 401116168749842444
**Do you support the FCC's decision to repeal net neutrality rules?**
**Do you believe that the MSM works together on reporting a narrative?**
**Do you support or oppose the new European plan to form a central military?**
**Are you involved in any type of political group or movement?**
**Do you think China will join North Korea’s side regardless of who the first aggressor is?**
**Do you own any cryptocurrency?**
**Is freedom more valuable than security?**
**Are you actively religious?**
**Should porn be banned?**
**Should cryptocurrency be regulated?**
**Should homosexual couples have the right to adopt?**
**Do you think cryptocurrency will replace fiat currency in the future?**
**Would you support a more authoritarian regime in your country if it ensured the safety of your people, at the cost of some liberty?**
**Do you believe in global warming?**
**Do you believe the family unit is essential to psychological welfare?**
**Should the United States seek a closer relationship with Russia?**
**Is the Cold War over?**
**Should the US have strict voter ID?**
**Do you support same sex marriage?**
**Should there be further gun regulation in the US?**
**Should the 2018 Winter Olympics (held in South Korea) be cancelled due to tensions in the region?**
**Do you support Julian Assange/Wikileaks?**
**Is climate change of real concern?**
**Do you believe that the Mueller investigation is going to turn up any wrongdoing by the Trump Administration?**
**Is prison reformative?**
**Can money buy happiness?**
**Is hate speech an inherent part of free speech?**
**Is race-mixing okay?**
**Is morality objective or subjective?**
**Should we further automate industry and menial labor jobs?**
**Is there a significant difference between the two mainstream parties in America?**
**Is it more valuable to learn a trade, or to go to college?**
**Are you in favor of voting for change, or do you believe that revolution is the only way?**
**Is premarital sex immoral?**
**Would you support a socialized healthcare system?**
**Do you believe Palestine should be recognized as a legitimate state?**
**Do you support the military-industrial complex?**
**Should adults have to opt out of organ donations rather than opt in?**
**If President Trump were up for re-election tomorrow, would you vote for him?**
**Should dual citizenship holders not be able to serve as Senators or in high positions of government due to conflict of interest?**
**Is the US justice system harsh enough?**