Message from @Arch_NME
Discord ID: 498268502302392323
Add zoomer emote
New epic role and give it to Starwarsmod , King, Mord and TradChad
Add *Distinguished* role above Prestigious
A #Depression channel so I can bitch about my shitty autistic life
@/pol/tard there are dedicated servers for such topics
They are filled with leftist scum
I like to mix in a little anti-semitism with my autism rants
I think you should make a channel called <#380488216110956544>_discussion, where basically you can talk about the poll that Augustus makes. I think it would be cool if we could talk about them (mainly because I typically have a lot to share as far as my opinion goes)
Some mods that are on around this time
That would be nice
when Can I get trusted roel again
Don’t lose it in first place
Change <#486385674929307668> to #media of #memes because swearing is bad
Weeaboo role and make it pingable
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Wizzer#4259 was banned***
Autism speaks emoji
we already do <:50points:356316754873417728> NormieCamo
Ban Attitude_Indicator
Make TRS great again.
Build a wall, protect our borders
Make women illegal
prove it
i petition to abolish women like if you agree
next debate should be about the lgbtq community
@struggling shut up
Debate night should be about women rights
Poll: Is anime worse than porn?
@/pol/tard This server is not a democracy
I never said it was?
a star trek face palm emote
ben shapiro emote
Bring back TradChad
Impeach TravisBickle