Message from @Notsure_jr
Discord ID: 365950609851154432
Hey guys what do you think about Ubisoft blackwashing ancient egypt in Assassin's Creed: Origins?
according to it ancient egyptians were dark black like south africans
when they really looked like middle eastern people
Is rainbow washing a thing?
Bitcoin mining <:ThinkStare:356316814847901698>
New user
Short link <:ThinkYourself:356316544734724106>
Time to purify the world to some weet new grooves.
This is mister NewVegas comin at ya with another classic hit.
@skyboxzz im not that new been here few days just trying to earn a small amount of money while i give away free ingame credit to kids who cant afford to pay hundreds of fiat money to buy virtual shit.
I just said it was suspicious <:ThinkStare:356316814847901698>
yeah i can tell from the emojijs lol
No, you are that new heere.
Some of these guys have been here for two years.
Yeah so what ? At least I'm posting in the right channel.
"It just works"
"See that DLC? You pay for that"
**<#362953501921378314> has merged with this channel. <#356288574485954561> is now anything related to gaming or technology.**
well aren't you cool
cant stop milking that skyrim dick
it's bethe$da bby
I mean it's music and atleast not another version of skyrim
Anyone play GTA Online ?
"Say goodnight"
I'm playing even if they are trying to be antifa fags about marketing their game.
boycott that shit and WWII
just pirate it <:FeelsComfyMan:356316472240373760>