Message from @brook

Discord ID: 368316814087946240

2017-10-12 13:12:11 UTC  

You guys really have the permessions messed up

2017-10-12 15:52:09 UTC  

Good god that must've been an interesting gaming session. Look at all that alcohol XD

2017-10-12 16:35:08 UTC  


2017-10-12 18:24:13 UTC  

So it turns out Apple > Google now in terms of values.

2017-10-12 18:24:46 UTC  

Apple's VP of diversity dismissed racial & gender quotas in favor of ideological diversity.

2017-10-12 18:25:29 UTC  

She said that 12 blond-haired, blue-eyed men in a room would be fine with her because the point is individual diversity, not racial or gender diversity.

2017-10-12 18:27:50 UTC  

huh, who would have thought?

2017-10-12 20:50:03 UTC  

"VP of Diversity"

2017-10-12 20:50:17 UTC  

almost as ridiculous as Garlic Bread Expert

2017-10-12 21:59:39 UTC

2017-10-12 21:59:44 UTC  

Yes, yes Riot

2017-10-12 21:59:50 UTC  

Just let me add this to my... Collection!

2017-10-12 21:59:53 UTC

2017-10-13 00:27:36 UTC  

Guys know the way google is pushing all that diversity bullshit and firing men for speakign their opinoins?

2017-10-13 00:28:16 UTC  

Get firefox (Beta versoin) Its now 2x quicker and more stable with the new quantum engine making it miles ahead of chrome its also open source and not controled by poltics

2017-10-13 00:28:27 UTC  

I would reccomend everyone to switch to but it up to you

2017-10-13 00:28:52 UTC  

Of course this wont change anything for them seeing chrome die would be nice

2017-10-13 02:05:49 UTC  

You could also get Comodo Dragon or Opera

2017-10-13 02:05:54 UTC  

Or just use Edge.

2017-10-13 08:39:28 UTC  

@BlueInfinityX Mozilla, the company that makes firefox donated over 100K to

2017-10-13 08:39:31 UTC  

antifa org

2017-10-13 08:40:38 UTC  

brave or chromium(chrome built from source code) are better alts

2017-10-13 10:26:20 UTC  

Mozila isnt really a company

2017-10-13 10:26:42 UTC  

Many mozila contributors spoke out against the decions

2017-10-13 10:27:17 UTC  

Plus chromuin dosent compare in speed to this unofrtuantly.

2017-10-13 14:48:55 UTC  

I don't really care about what browser I use aslong as it has lots of addons, I don't use a single search engine either and use something akin to live start pages.. Ublock etc I like having the ability to more easily switch engines when one goes to shit or does some stupid Politcal crap.

2017-10-13 15:00:03 UTC  

holy shit shadow of war is so fucking good

2017-10-13 15:00:44 UTC  

@BlueInfinityX you could always use waterfox

2017-10-13 15:00:50 UTC  

or palemoon

2017-10-13 15:03:39 UTC  

Yea completed sow

2017-10-13 15:04:19 UTC  

did you like it

2017-10-13 22:16:12 UTC  

Guys, which is a better social platform for redpilling the masses? Youtube or Twitch? I will be playing games while talking

2017-10-14 01:04:08 UTC  

Neither you stupid faggot do it IRL you cock head

2017-10-14 01:55:55 UTC  

who tryna pick up some toontown thots with me

2017-10-14 04:08:57 UTC  

are you kidding me twitch is the last thing you should use for redpills

2017-10-14 04:09:20 UTC  

youtube not even a question but tbh other platforms are better

2017-10-14 04:13:05 UTC  

@horts Someone sounds mad 😃

2017-10-14 04:13:47 UTC  
2017-10-14 04:21:27 UTC  

Because the type of content it is buit for does not work well for something like that. Redpills are meant to be videos or something you link that people can refer to if you go around streaming stuff like that it's going to be very disorganized and pointless. Don't think of a redpill as a speech or a conversation but an infographic quickrun down. Atleast thats how the best ones work. Good luck using twitch for anything like that the UI isn't built for it and you might aswell use Youtube which is

2017-10-14 04:24:41 UTC  

not to mention the audeince will likely just port it to youtube anyways because thats where all that stuff goes naturally (atm until youtube dies or something) And depending on the redpill it may not be a good idea to attach your name or face. (if that was your plane)