Message from @Daddu
Discord ID: 370030515576766464
ARK is such a great game goys.
just got back from a huge gaming convention in Brazil
matter of fact, largest gaming convention of Latin America
my project was discussed in a panel
the other project was about a game where the devs made about a girl who broke with her boyfriend and she the next day woke up in a Shadow of Colossus-like world and has to get out
glad mine stood out from that, despite them gloating prizes
Looks like TF2 finally got that update
@Weissest draw jhin
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***rar#6848 was banned!***
Jungle inferno
ark is bad don't waste your time
autism at it's best
What the hell would give him the idea to even do that?
I miss when this place was just for gaming tbh
if thats blue pilled somehow I'll take it (not bluepilled not even a pill)
Day 2 for the TF2 update was released!
this one is detaling the contract system and how they are reworking the item skins, and the contract system!
@Deleted User #gaming didnt have enough activity, #tech didnt have enough activity
y not merge
y merge with the enemy <:ree:356316447548375070>
<:fake:356316613710053406> <:news:356316599952736266>
Well as for any sort of tech I never did very much coding (maybe a line or 2) I think depending on the language and type I could maybe learn a little
Anyone play Warframe?
I played like once, it really felt repetitive and boring imo. The designs were cool but everything else felt rather bland
@Lex People here do play Overwatch. Hit up Daddy Zoom for instance if you're interested
One of our mods
His name is professor zoom atm though
civ iii free
Anyone else not like the new south pale
The game itself is awesome but the theme is so much worse than the old school LOTR theme
You can't compare the two @Weissest