Message from @Fox ⚾ 🇦🇺
Discord ID: 385367675993587725
I wanna build a pc soon
I want to build an Auchwitz
Fuck EA play a real shooter
EA completely misunderstood "cosmetics", most likely on purpose, in order to continue trying to implement the microtransactions
lol EA completely misunderstood their fucking shareholder interests
I love how they committed so much effort to their game and it just fucking tanks because of greed
Dunky makes it look embarassingly bad too among this other streamer who paid to win as a part of his review
Hes like I turn my Awing 30% faster fire 30% faster do 30% more bullet damage and basically get to go on killing sprees against players better than me
I **really** fucking hope this microtransaction lootbox bullshit trickles down to sport games. Fucking "player packs" and bullshit.
Sick of it
its all fucking crap
I just want people to remember that the preorder culture that gamers have helped cultivate has helped fuel this monster that we face here,
@Fox ⚾ 🇦🇺 its been in sports games forever
probably the biggest 'offenders'
@Fox ⚾ 🇦🇺 You know, you don't have to give these companies your business. It's just a few humongous corporations who do these slimy tactics and make consumer-unfriendly business moves. There are plenty of smaller devs who aim to give gamers a good time. The AAAs only win when we don't regard indies as valid competition to them.
There honestly not that many great indie games, they are all shitty platformers or poor copies of AAA titles.
and yeah i have stopped doing so
I was a massive fan of the MLB The Show seriers
2 years ago their launch was a flop and servers were fucked
they promised to fix it
a year ago their new launch, worse than the last
it was disgusting
the servers are still fucked
there is a very small handful of us that feel the same
but the majority are willing to put up with it
its sad really
but a lot of sport games are like this with dogshit servers
then again every sports game is run by EA
bar MLB The Show