Message from @Weissest
Discord ID: 387859651946872832
daily reminder to join the trs steam group
how can you still watch theorangedoom? his ego is above the roof, he has become so annoying
@Privileged White Male im a mod on his channel and he is alot better than he use to be
Really? I got tired of his streams as he kept humble bragging, and generaly acting superior
@Privileged White Male when was the last time you watched him
daily reminder to join the trs steam group
@TheDon when the italian tree was added
alright goys, new game to buy: detroit become human
Politically Correct punks don't want realism, they want to censor abusive actions that **potentially** take place in the game
I prefer to wait for reviews, but that is fucking stupid it's a game. The censorship is just getting old at this point.
>not all
just a lot
@Polygon yeah theyve been crying because you can choose to beat your wife its gonna get taken out before release
this years e3 trailer made it look like robot BLM simulator so 👎🏾 anyway
How in any world do I get to play this?
holy frick
yeah that was the only good part of the show
kojima 😓
im buying a ps4 just for this