Message from @Polygon
Discord ID: 410919743550128139
this is bullshit. ive had a terrible fucking day. first off got some bad hardware in the mail, doa. then just found out my asus b250 mining mobo 19pci slot board will only allow 13 cards to run ffs. apparently everyone else is still having the same problem. i might just gas myself tonight.
watching nogs get arrested is going to be the only thing to make me feel better tonight
A way to fix your problem
1. NEVER mine any coin, unless you have the ability to know which coins will get big
2. Invest
3. Don't do either of those things and get a real job
I'm honestly not sure if I wanna buy another motherboard and use my 350D to mine bitcoin, the other mining rig I built has a maximum of 5 GPUs
two of the main companion relationships in fallout 4 are incest
>mining as the bubble bursts
mining now is still profitable for me, I have low energy costs, also, *if* the value goes up, I'll make profit.
Thats pretentious
Are you really calling me pretentious when some nobody is acting like his opinion has ***ANY*** legitimacy, he has no reputation in the bitcoin game. I'm not gonna take investment advice from some nobody on the internet.
and I'm most definitely not going to be told by some weeb that I'm pretentious, when they have the basic understanding of the word.
in fact it's better to call @Sverd pretentious, because they assumed that their opinion had any gravity to it, as if they were in a place to give advice and have it taken seriously.
lmao okay
@Autistic Dog please dont tell me thats yours
It's mine 😳 @COOLBEANS
@Polygon "they assumed that their opinion had any gravity to it" and you don't see why I called you pretentious? 👌
@Autistic Dog Holy shit thats a lot of dust, I have a bad habit of not cleaning my computers I assume you took those when you were cleaning it?
lmao so word choice makes me pretentious
You're seriously saying that I'm pretentious because I didn't accept his opinion. That's all that happened. He attacked me for mining bitcoin, I responded by attacking him in the same way. I have no reason to follow his "advice"
an example of pretentiousness is acting like you deserve something specifically because of who you are.
I seriously do not understand why you think I have to accept his opinion. I totally get that he has a right to his opinion but I don't have to accept it or follow it.
unironically the most pretentious post I’ve ever seen
what the fuck is the solution that you had in mind?
Should I just stop mining forever and sell my GPUs at/below MSRP?
why is it that I have to listen to your opinion in order to **not** be pretentious
No, you’ve already made a poor investment, might as well stick with it
you have no obligation to listen to me
but you do have an obligation to not rant about how people’s opinions have no gravity for 30 minutes
explaion how it was a poor investment to buy gpus to mine
if you don’t wanna be called pretentious
huge overhead costs
that's definitely the implication, since I was supposedly being pretentious when I wasn't listening to your opinion
well guess what is pays off for itself after a few months you brainlet