Message from @mentalinfant69
Discord ID: 437688814366883841
I didn't know you could put skins on animals, that's neat
how many hours do you have in your server alone, @SchloppyDoggo ?
yea i got a giga and a wyvern with the american flag on them too. i got probably over 400hrs just on my server
also got a griffin with the rebel flag on it as well
a bigfoot (gigantopithicus) painted like shrek, raptor painted like yoshi from mario, and several other things. has tons of paint job options
lol nice
I've never played Ark. Is it good??
its an absolutely massive game. i mean its huge, biggest game ive ever played tbh. it still has several bugs the devs havnt fixed yet but it gets updates regularly. its more of a niche game and thinking its good or bad rly depends on how good or bad your experiences are on servers. stay away from official - the servers are taken. another thing is you have to have a very high end rig to even play it properly. but besides those things ark is a solid 8/10
I have an i5 4460 + r9 390
I'll just get it on sale
For me? It's world of tanks
I really like WoT and War Thunder, but both are pretty P2W
Spent insane amounts on WOT
50 quid for a tier 8 tank is crazy expensive
wt is my favorite
i like air combat in war thnunder
but flying a plane in war thunder is incredibly fun
especially my favorite planes like the yak3 and la7
also, war thunder isnt really pay 2 win
war thunder is a grind fest
this is preliminary, i got knocked out by an a20, but i still managed to get an ace
air rb
it's still P2W
trust me
I play it regularly
it literally has a premium account mechanic, where you earn twice the gold. You can buy planes and tanks early, and in order to have more than 2 decals you need a premium account, and all sorts of quirky bullsshit
WT is fine, but its grindy
worse than grind is some of the balancing tbh
Do the decals influence gameplay?
not really
there are branches and shit, but it doesnt save you from good player anyway
its not like World of Tanks where you have premium ammo that you can only buy with real money lul
Just got my new speakers