Message from @SuperSpace
Discord ID: 436024823060365312
I also share politically correct memes that garner attention from said classmates
if you shitlords dont have an S9 then now is the time to get one
also, if youre not buying GPU's right now, youre literally a brainlet
if you are buying*
im always buying but i figured i'd share this trade signal with you shitlords
Wildcard just killed official ARK servers with their player code of conduct update that just dropped today: literally if youre not politically correct then youre banned.
Ensure that you do not:
> Offend - this includes but is not limited to language which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexually explicit, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive.
> Post Personal Information - belonging to someone else in game, or an any Official websites or forums related to the game.
> Harass, Stalk, Threaten - such as sending repeated unsolicited or unwelcome messages to specific users/tribes and can include but not limited to those sexual in nature or messages that would cause discomfort.
> Disrupt the game - such as intentionally causing the chat screen to scroll faster than other users are able to read, or setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat.
> Promote - do not send messages which are advertisements for inappropriate topics, including scamming, hacking, exploits or the sale of goods and services unless trading within the game for game specific resources, for example 50 Stone for 1 Polymer, A trike for a Rex, etc.
imagine playing pubg, late game, and you get killed by a shotgun
fucking happened to me
30 players alive and this kid didn't even loot my body
I had an M24, 15x scope, ext quickdraw mag, silencer, and my M4 was decked out as well with an ACOG and silencer and everything
and this guy just insults me
by shooting me with a pump and driving off
squad 4 is takern
so i finally decided to get some big niggas to guard my base today. Angry Dick Al is probably the toughest.
no balls
ill even log in
if you tie me there while you do it
cloudflare announced their new DNS Server, I'd advise you download a DNS benchmark and see if google's DNS ( backup) is what you want, or if you want to use instead
whytho and I
This chat has devolved to something other than its intended purpose RIP
I didn't know you could put skins on animals, that's neat
how many hours do you have in your server alone, @SchloppyDoggo ?
yea i got a giga and a wyvern with the american flag on them too. i got probably over 400hrs just on my server
also got a griffin with the rebel flag on it as well
a bigfoot (gigantopithicus) painted like shrek, raptor painted like yoshi from mario, and several other things. has tons of paint job options