Message from @Landsknecht 🎮🍚🔺
Discord ID: 475376029318381580
i enjoy nms for that aspect
but i enjoy elite more because of its story and the true explorative nature of it
plus the stellar forge is fucking insane, using mathematical data fm the real world to generate our milky way
so fucking epic
Be sure to go to the uncharted red/blue/green/purple systems, they are where the really weird stuff is but they dont have space stations or have them but they are abandoned or destroyed and you can also potentially get stuck in these systems if you run out of warp cores.
i think if the exploration was more like elite dangerous it would be superior to elite dangerous
i want star citizen to become a major thing tbh
250,000 people in one galaxy
start on my own planet
or some shit
maybe in 200 years
and i got to say
i simply cant get bored of em
even if commentary aint that great
the mechanics and the scenery is so smooth and pretty
they really upped the ante
yea its a much better game now but there are still several game breaking bugs
as in, you get 30hrs into the game on the main story line quest and cant complete it cause of a bug
@SchloppyDoggo i bought the game 2 days after release
Sold it 4 days later and bought doom
Should I crack the game
Is it worth it
its actually playable now
still has game breaking quest line bugs
its like 80% finished game
Daily reminder any trion game is shit
why ruin perfectly good hardware like that
theyre trolling its probably an old or broken board