Message from @Mord
Discord ID: 494299790696251393
my emblem was just three squares
the virgin "blitzkrieg" hitler vs the chad stalin
@Diablo mussolini with hitlers tactics
wish i had a cool flag instead of three gay rectangles
roman empire part 2
like a torch or something
hitler went to war with the rest of the damn world all at once
took it too fast and ended up being shut down by (((the allies)))
"lmao lets fight russia, england, and the us all at once" -adolf hitler
Hitler didn’t plan on fighting Russia at first
Nor the Us
he always did
Well he hoped the US would stay out of it
in mien kampf he talks a bout destroying communism
Ik just wanted to keep the soviets from engaging in 2 front War until he was ready
fascist corporatism gang
get that sickle outta here
a đź…±ocialist?
purge him
>19% ecology
also i saw a skinny white kid with short blonde hair running around with a german iron cross necklace in school
l am not a socialist
What about corporatism do you support Mord
Cause when I hear Fascist Corporatism, I don’t understand
fuck enviornmentalists
If corporatism is already cemented in Fascism, wouldn’t calling it fascist corporatism be redundant?
corporatism is still capitalism, nothing changed but the amount of regulations
Corporatism is basically corporate entities/unions that achieve goals with collective bargaining for them and others, although it must benefit the state and therefore the people of the State.
capitalism is just when markets are free
lt *must* benefit the state