Message from @Weissest
Discord ID: 497867061213659157
@S u z u No one can help him until he helps himself. Stop shilling for him
Who shilling
no normal person calls himself "boy fucker" on discord @chattitude
Who keeps changing the names
No idea tbh
"It's the Internet, you don't need to feel empathy"
-Attitude 2018
psychopathy is a legal term. As defined by Psychopath Law & Legal Definition Psychopath is a person with a mental disorder characterized by an extremely antisocial personality that often leads to aggressive, perverted or criminal or amoral behavior without any empathy or remorse. In other words, a person who is mentally not well or unstable is known as a psychopath.
dude banning attitude was the best thing i did in at least 3 days
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***boy wonder#9118 was banned***
Jesus christ
No CNN idiot
cccp is just child porn with a lisp
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Removed Mojo#3757 from Cuckold
I don’t care