Message from @Lou
Discord ID: 502586394053705731
@BRICK I understand your story to a point I cannot describe. I can't help but feel shame that in the face of rage, I was weak.. I am weak. I have let anger and rage eat at me and have done some very regrettable actions because I let my anger control me. You are a good man. Always strive for good.
@TradChad so what does this mean again?
I am European can you translate this? (<:FeelsFedora:356316725865611264> )
@AstroJannah it means if you do not opt out and discord decides to sell your data it will be practically impossible for you to sue them if you are in the USA
as a european it doesn't really matter to my knowledge
Thank you best mod trad
THEY SAID ```it couldn't be done```
@WizardLizardInABlizzard sup nerd
@GrandxSlam wanna fite abaowtit
Chad employee